Grief Recovery for women

If you’ve been feeling a deep depression and sadness.
You’re in the exact right place.
I know you’ve been trying to hide how you’re really feeling and you feel like you can’t speak to anyone about it, you’re not alone.
That’s why I created this safe haven, for women just like you to come together and share in a safe cocoon, to be nurtured and supported through this grief.

Over 8 weeks you’ll be guided through the Grief Recovery Method which includes:

Price: $999.00 
Start date: Next class TBA

I’ve just asked you to schedule time with me, but I haven’t introduced myself. 

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Hi, I’m Terri

I been right where you are. Over a six year period, I had 22 losses. I tried all the things. I tried a silent meditation retreat, a spiritual healing retreat, read a pile of self-help books, attended that seminar and this lecture but nothing moved the needle.

Until my brother died. I was searching for grief support for my parents and I discovered Grief Recovery and realised that all along, the anger, the sadness, the illnesses it had only been heaps of grief for me.
That’s why I created this group, because I realised how much more powerful the Grief Recovery Method is, when done with the support of other women.
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This group is for you if:

Price: $999.00
Start date: Next class TBA

Are you ready to join the program?