The Chrysalis of Care

Just as a caterpillar spins herself a silky cocoon to retreat into, to rest, to nourish herself and ultimately transform and emerge with strong colourful wings, so we too must undergo a metamorphosis of our grief. This process takes time, willingness, courage, vulnerability, patience and trust. This chrysalis of care that I have built, is for women just like you and I: women who have suffered trauma and wombs wounding at one point in our lives and are ready to finally heal.

Womb Cocoon is a groundbreaking healing program for women suffering with womb-wounds caused by trauma from abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth. Merging the complementary modalities of the Grief Recovery Method™ and Aura-Soma™, we work with women who are ready to release their womb’s negative energy and undergo the metamorphosis of conscious womb-healing: restoring positive energy flow to all areas of your life, to heal your past and reclaim your future.

If you are in the first tender stages of grief after loss and are seeking support from a healer and a community who understands your pain, we are here to guide you. Even if your womb wounding happened decades ago and you are only here, now, uncovering the link between your trauma and your life challenges, welcome home, you’re about to rediscover who you truly are.

Our guiding principles:

  • Womb Cocoon is a safe, non-judgmental, compassionate container
  • There is no hierarchy of pain: every womb wound, regardless of its cause, deserves equal care  
  • There are very few women who have not experienced some kind of womb trauma 
  • Our wombs are our sacred source of personal and creative power
  • Unresolved grief is cumulative, and cumulatively negative
  • Unresolved grief drains our energy and life force and robs us of choice
  • Unhealed grief may eventually manifest as a mental, emotional and physical illness
  • Healing is necessary 
  • Healing is possible 
  • Women deserve to heal 
  • Women deserve happiness