Your Guiding Light through the darkness of Child Loss

When your child has died, you may feel completely isolated in your grief. Struggling to navigate the emotional pain of abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth and failed IVF alone. You likely haven’t been taught effective processes or given proper tools and support to heal from such an

overwhelming loss. Opening this deep wound may feel terrifying.

But healing is possible

Wholeness is your birthright

Welcome to Womb Cocoon

Within a safe space of love and support, we are with you every step of the way. We offer women a soft place to land that transforms heartache and nurtures them back to wellness.

Just as a caterpillar spins herself a silky cocoon in which to transmute and emerge with strong, colourful wings, you also will undergo the metamorphosis that is your grief. 


This process takes readiness, courage, vulnerability, trust, patience, and perhaps most importantly, a cocoon to retreat into. Here you can be guided and nourished, and ultimately start to heal. 

Symptoms of unprocessed Grief After Child Loss

  • Rollercoaster of emotions i.e anger, sadness, guilt, fear, etc
  • Numbing yourself with Addictions
    (i.e. alcohol, drugs, shopping, food, work,)
  • Fear of another pregnancy 
  • Poor memory, reduced concentration and or focus 
  • Physical ailments (digestive issues, neck/back pain, chronic pain, lung issues)
  • Sleep disorders, too much or too little
  • Isolating and wanting to be alone
  • Changes in eating patterns 
  • Avoiding Intimacy

Processing your pain after a devastating loss is important to your immediate and long term mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Learning HOW to do so is where you most likely need help. 

Before discovering Womb Cocoon, my life was chaos. Secretly I was living with shame, anger, rage, anxiety, depression, self-hatred, and self-loathing. Never had I shared my abortion story without being scared until I met Terri. I knew in my heart she was someone I could trust and this was a space where I would not experience shame, judgement, or rejection. She graciously listened, validated, and empathized with my story during our 8 weeks together online. I was able to change the way I viewed my abortion, through a new lens, one filled with love, acceptance, and forgiveness.


I recently landed my dream job with my #1 chosen employer and a high figure salary that will provide both my children and me with financial freedom. Terri, you have helped me love myself again, I will forever be grateful. I feel strong, brave, whole and filled with light and love. I now have the confidence and self-respect to improve my life.


Every woman who has gone through the painful loss of abortion should do this program. Do not suffer alone, you can heal.


Jen H

“I have immense gratitude for Womb Cocoon. The guilt and shame I was carrying was so heavy after my abortion. My grief felt suffocating and paralyzing. Terri held such compassion, kindness, love and understanding.  She provided a safe space where I could confide my deepest, ugliest, most devastating feelings. I was able to work through my grief, and arrive at a place where I provide myself with love and compassion.”


Thank you for being such a loving soul.


– Jen M

I was eager when I started with Womb Cocoon to work through the grief of my infertility. However, once I started, I uncovered there was other grief from my past that I had not dealt with. I had hoped to receive help for a current situation but ended up working on a childhood wound that I hadn’t realized was affecting me. Terri was an excellent facilitator that always showed me kindness, compassion, care and empathy for my process. I gained new tools to assist me in working through any future loss. I’m grateful for the gifts that unfolded and for being able to overcome my previous loss, if I hadn’t I believe I wouldn’t be where I am now.


Update December 2022-  Shan B is currently expecting her first child in the late spring of 2023.


– Shan B


I came to see Terri about discomfort in my uterus, but after a lengthy conversation, I realized that my pain was much deeper than I had thought. As a young child, I was sexually abused. As a young adult, I was sexually assaulted. Later in life, I had an abortion and several miscarriages before my beautiful daughter was born. My womb had suffered in so many ways, and I realized this was tied deeply to the emotional pain I had been experiencing for years.


Since my work with Terri, I have learned to breathe and to pay attention to my ‘gut’. I have learned to let go and have been able to experience a calmness and sense of peace I haven’t felt in years, if ever. Terri is a calming, reassuring, and insightful expert. She didn’t just help me – she also helped my entire family with her incredible work.


– Jackie C

Millions of women are suffering in silence from shame, stigma, and the disenfranchised/complicated grief of abortion. Struggling through the pain of loss from miscarriage, the emotional devastation of a still birth, and the sadness and disappointment of failed IVF. There may be no safe space to commune, to share, receive support, and heal. 

I felt alone in my grief and loss. I know well the weight and eroding effects of unresolved pain carried for too long. I created Womb Cocoon for  women who have felt the confinement of silence, the shackles of shame and guilt, and the desperation of not having the resources necessary to really heal. This is for you.  – Terri Swan