my story

It’s been said that we teach best what we most need to learn. 

I needed to learn about womb wounding. I needed to learn about the slow soul-draining, anger-producing, stuck and paralyzing, turn your life inside-out and upside-down effects of grief and loss. I had to learn all of this so I could alchemize my pain into a force of transformative power for my life, and the lives of other women.

I speak from the heart when I say I know the journey you are on because I was once there myself. It was during a dark and almost unbearable six year period in the mid ’90s that continuous loss became an uninvited visitor in my life. During that very difficult time, I also experienced a traumatic abortion. In the aftermath, I struggled – with crushing shame, guilt, and anger as well as undiagnosed PTSD that caused me to unconsciously sabotage my life in many ways. 

For a long while, I avoided all things “baby.” Friends, family, and even strangers who were pregnant, new moms and baby showers were all shut out of my life. I numbed myself with behaviours that included a sugar addiction and a not so healthy smoking habit. Years went by, I pretended I was fine. I married, the time arrived to start trying for a child with my husband, but sadly we couldn’t get pregnant. I suffered a string of mysterious illnesses that I now recognize were all unresolved emotional pain connected to my wounded womb.

Finally, exhausted and with my life in ruins, I knew the only way out was to take 100%  responsibility for my healing.


I made the decision to heal, but finding the resources to do so outside of a religious framework became a challenge. So, I created a different option for women like me – who are spiritual, while still honouring other options that exist. Womb Cocoon addresses how a woman’s, mind, womb, heart, soul are all connected. I offer the evidence-based Grief Recovery Method™ along with an awareness-raising energy and colour & light system to help the body, mind, and spirit shift from holding on to the wound. These are the modalities that have worked so well to heal the many layers and levels of my own pain.  

Journeying through my losses was the most difficult and painful challenge of my life to date, yet this experience was also the greatest catalyst for my growth. In an unexpectedly beautiful way, healing my womb-wounds helped me identify what was missing in aftercare and prompted me to give birth to Womb Cocoon, guiding my purpose-driven work with women. 

I believe in the power of women to love, nurture 

 and help heal one another


As we heal, others are called forward to heal too.

Our personal and collective pain is the gateway to our biggest transformation. Every day you remain in the dark, the world misses and needs your light.

This is hard stuff – but here’s what I know:

Time will not mend your broken heart

Wishing for a different or better yesterday doesn’t change the past

You deserve to heal

You deserve to be whole

Whether your loss was last month, last year, or twenty years ago, when you’re ready to heal, I will be right there with you. I know how scary that first step is, that’s why I created a soft place for you to land and to be nurtured each step of the way. Healing happens when you step forward courageously with intention. Your heart longs to be free. 


It is my honour to guide and support you in your metamorphosis – I hope you will join me. 

In love and light, 
